
Could you lead us through change and help us continue improving our services?

| 26 July 2019

Summary:We are looking for a new Chair for our Board, to take over in early 2020 and help us achieve our goals. Today more than ever, we need strong leaders to help us continue the work of our post-partnership integration, while at the same time improving our services and efficiency, growing our development programme, and developing our people.

In the midst of a deepening housing crisis, with over a million people on housing lists, huge obstacles for first time buyers to get their foot on the housing ladder, and homelessness on the rise, the role of the housing association has never been more important or more necessary.

As one of the largest providers of social housing in the country – with a turnover of £400m, and 57,000 homes across London, the South East, East Midlands and East of England – Metropolitan Thames Valley (MTVH) is playing a critical role in meeting significant societal challenges. We are more than a provider of bricks and mortar; we are an anchor in communities, and we deliver care and support to customers with a wide range of needs.

We are now looking for a new Chair for our Board, to take over in early 2020 and help us achieve our goals. Today more than ever, we need strong leaders to help us continue the work of our post-partnership integration, while at the same time improving our services and efficiency, growing our development programme, and developing our people.

Can you rise to the challenge? You can find out more about the vacancy here.