26 July 2021
Summary: Today we are pleased to publish our annual report for the 2020-21 financial year. Two years on from merger, we are delivering value. But there is still much more to do, especially in light of the economic and social recovery that lies ahead.
We are pleased to publish our annual report for this financial year 2020/2021.
This report shows that MTVH is a well-governed organisation in strong financial health, delivering real value for the people we serve. The pandemic has meant that the role we play in providing affordable homes, delivering services to our residents, and acting as a community anchor in the areas we’re proud to serve, has never been more essential.
With national lockdown measures introduced little more than a week before the start of the financial year 2020/21, it has been a year like no other for MTVH residents and communities. Teams across the organisation responded quickly, effectively and innovatively to continue delivering crucial local services, such as Care and Support schemes helping some of the most vulnerable people in society and NHS key worker accommodation schemes, designed to give front line healthcare workers comfortable and secure homes near to the hospitals where they work.
Here are some highlights from the report:
- Creating great places to live: Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, we delivered 923 new homes, expanded our development pipeline to 6,239 homes, and invested £159m in homes for the future. Our dedicated Safer Buildings team carried out a programme of surveys of 52 our tallest blocks to ensure residents are safe in their homes and we continue to play an active role in challenging the government to take action to resolve the building safety crisis.
- Supporting residents to live well: This year, we’ve supported more than 3,000 people into employment and training and secured £1.77m in financial gains for customers through our money advice services and arrears support. Our dedicated Coronavirus support Hub has made 1,051 referrals and provided 70k in cash grants for food, fuel and other necessities.
- Serving our customers better every day: In 2020, we asked our residents how they would like to influence the direction of their engagement with us. From these conversations we developed a new, co-created resident governance structure with a strengthened focus on openness, accountability and diversity. This year, we are pleased to have achieved a 75% customer satisfaction rate for renters and fixed 87.9% of repairs first time but we know there is more we can do. By 2026, we aim to have raised overall satisfaction levels to over 80%
Geeta Nanda, Chief Executive of Metropolitan Thames Valley, said:
“This year’s performance demonstrates that, two years on from the merger of Metropolitan and Thames Valley, we are delivering real value for the people we serve. But there is still much more to be done, especially in light of the economic and social recovery which lies ahead in response to the pandemic. Ultimately, this will be achieved through the steps we all take to serve people better every day.”